How to Make a JockStrap

 This pattern offers instructions for both a knitted and crocheted pouch; the waist and leg straps are fashioned from various widths of elastic banding. Because sections of this pattern offer more than one construction method, I recommend reading through the whole document before beginning. Following the pattern as-is will produce a simple, traditional jock strap. 

MATERIALS (knitted version)
1 ball sock yarn
Size 6 knitting needles
Size 0 (3.25mm) crochet hook
1 yd of 1" to 3" elastic band (waist)*
3 ft of 1/2" to 3/4" elastic band (leg straps)**
1 ft of 3/8" elastic band
sewing needles (or sewing machine)

Materials (crocheted version)
1 ball size 10 crochet thread
Size 0 (3.25mm) steel hook
1 yd of 1" to 3" elastic band (waist)*
3 ft of 1/2" to 3/4" elastic band (leg straps)**
1 ft of 3/8" elastic band
sewing needles (or sewing machine)

  • WIDTH: Select according to personal preference. LENGTH: Subtract 7" from the desired waist size in order to determine the amount of elastic band needed. For example, a 32” waist translates to 25” of elastic banding.
  • WIDTH: Select according to personal preference. LENGTH: Subtract 7" from the desired waist size in order to determine the amount of elastic needed for the leg straps. For example, a 32” waist will need 25” of elastic band for the straps.
Following either set of instructions in the table below will produce a very basic but functional front panel/pouch.

Find the center of the length of 1" to 3" elastic banding and the center of your completed pouch. Line up the two centers and sew the pouch onto the outside of the waist band approximately 3/8" from the bottom. (The pouch can also be sewn onto the inside of the waist band if would like to hide some of the construction.) 

If the pouch was attached to the outside of the waistband, a piece of the 3/8" band can be sewn over the top edge of the pouch to
mask some of the costruction. If you like, you can fold the ends of this band underneath itself before sewing it down in order to
create an neat edge.

Before cutting off the extra waist band material, sew the appropriate length of the elastic together at the back, directly opposite from the center of the pouch. Once the ends are joined, you can trim the extra material. Leaving at least 1/2" of extra elastic on either side to fold over and sew down is strongly encouraged. More than 1/2” of extra material will be required in order to fold the ends underneath to create a neater edge.

The legs straps are created from one piece of elastic band. Fold the appropriate length of elastic banding in half and sew the center to the bottom of the pouch.
The end of each the leg straps should be attached to the outside of the waist band about 5" from either side of the pouch.Mak sure the straps aren't twisted before you sew the ends onto the waist. The ends can be folded underneath before sewing the straps down to create a neater edge.


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